Я спокоен, я нормален, я в адекваАААААААААААААААААААААА БАРИЙЦЫ!!111111 ВЕКТОР!1111111

Episode 146
March 22nd, 2014
Together Forever... ... We'll Bring It To 'Em!!
It's time for Yuma to say goodbye to Astral... ... Yuma faces Astral, throwing everything he's got at his best bud to prove how much he's grown. And what on Earth is "the most important thing that Yuma would lose..." that the Door from the Dream fortold...?

Even though he's been cornered into crises by the most evil and worst of enemies, Yuma has been able to seize victory with Astral by his side. Through many struggles, he's experienced many things and met and parted ways with many friends. Yuma, who has grown by leaps and bounds as a Duelist, clashes with his bestest bud, Astral, giving it everything he's got! On the other hand, Astral, shows his feelings towards Yuma through a certain strategy. At the end of this final Duel, the solid bonds of friendship these two exchange are...!?

Voiced Characters
Tsukumo Yuma, Astral, Midzuki Kotori, Kamishiro Ryouga/Nas(c)h, Kamishiro Rio/Merag, Tenjou Kaito, Tenjou Haruto / Obomi, Cathy, Omoteura Tokunosuke, Takeda Tetsuo, Former Class Rep Todoriki Takashi, Orbital 7, Gauche, Droite, Fuuya (a.k.a. Esper Robin), Anna, Tron, V (maybe Yamikawa), IV, III, Durbe, Vector, Girag, Alito, Eliphas, Ena, Assorted Characters

Кхм, а Миза где? ._. Его опять дописать забыли или..? Ладно, хрен с ним. Зеал, я снова тебя обожаю. ^__^